Build WordPress Websites Fast with Tailwind CSS.
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Build Websites Fast
All the block patterns you need to start building your new WordPress website fast with Tailwind CSS.
Make More Money
Hover, Focus, Active, Disabled, you name the state, you can use with our ready-to-use block patterns.
Agency Workflow
Built exclusively on core WordPress blocks, every pattern is optimized for desktop, tablet, & mobile.
Dark mode enabled
Building websites fast should be easy on the eyes too. Every block pattern ships ready for dark mode.
For the pros
Learn how to use Draft in your freelancing business, agency, startup, or Fortune 500 company to quickly build robust, bespoke WordPress sites.
Our agency workflow
Learn how we build blazing-fast WordPress websites from scratch for our clients with Tailwind CSS using the Draft plugin and theme.
Creating a design system
Learn how to create a design system for your WordPress site with Tailwind CSS using the Draft plugin and theme.